AS CONSCIENTIOUS SINGLE PARENTS, it is our primary endeavor to bring our children to healthy maturity, with the full sense of being loved and accepted as persons and with the same prospects for normal adulthood as children who mature with their two parents together.

     FROM THE DIVORCE or separation which divides a family, or a loss of parent by death, the entire family suffers.  For children in such circumstances to mature unscarred requires the utmost in love, understanding, and sound guidance.  It does not end with separation or divorce with either parent.

     THE SINGLE PARENT in our society is isolated to some degree.  The difficulties of providing, both for ourselves and our children, a responsible equivalent of normal family life, are increased by isolation.

     THEREFORE, IN THE CONVICTION that we can achieve this end through working together, through the exchange of ideas, and through the mutual understanding, help and companionship which we find with one another, we have established "PARENTS WITHOUT PARTNERS, INC." to further our common welfare and well being of our children.  The problems are many in bringing up children alone, contending with all adjustments and emotional conflicts arising out of widowhood and separation.  PWP, Inc is the only national and international organization that exists to study these problems.  Through program of discussions, professional speakers, study groups, publications, and social activities for families, adults, real help is provided single parents in reshaping their lives.



To be eligible for membership a person must be the parent of one or more living sons or daughters and be single by reason of death, divorce, or separation or never married, or other reason which may be deemed acceptable by PWP, Inc.  Custody of children is not a factor.  If you know of anyone who can benefit from joining Parents Without Partners you can contact us:
